Subscription Management Guide

Subscription Management Guide

  1. Introduction

This Subscription Management Guide provides detailed information for Creators using the software application regarding the initiation, management, and maintenance of their Subscription Fees. Understanding the process of Subscription Fee payments is crucial for maintaining continuous access to our services and ensuring a smooth operational experience on

  1. Starting Your Subscription

2.1 Setting Up Your Account: 

(a) There is no cost to set up an Account or create a Creators can sign up and start building their site without any initial fees.

(b) Creators are required to provide valid credit card or billing information upon creating a Account to ensure that payment of the Initial Fee (as defined below) and the Subscription Fee can be processed when the Creator is ready for their Account to go live.

2.2 Activating Your Subscription

(a) A Creator must pay USD$29 ("Initial Fee") to activate their Account . 

(b) The Initial Fee will be charged once the Creator decides to activate their Account go live.

  1. Subscription Fees and Payments

3.1 Monthly Payments

(a) A month after the Initial Fee is paid, the Subscription Fee will be automatically charged each month.

(b) It is essential that Creators maintain valid and up-to-date billing information to avoid interruptions to the Services due to failure to pay the Subscription Fee.

3.2 Payment Issues

(a) If a payment issue occurs, such as an expired credit card or insufficient funds, the Creator's account will be marked as inactive, and their will no longer be live. This means they will not be able to receive new orders or inquiries from Clients.

(b) Any pending payouts will be temporarily paused until the payment details are updated and any outstanding Subscription Fees are paid.

(c) Creators will receive notifications alerting them to update their payment information if a transaction fails.

3.3 Managing Payment Information

(a) Updating Payment Details

(i) Creators can update their payment details at any time through their Account settings on This section provides options to change or update credit card information securely.

(ii) We encourage Creators to promptly update their payment information if their card expires or they receive a new card to ensure uninterrupted access to the Services provided by

3.4 Consequences of Non-Payment

(a) If a Creator fails to update their payment information and settle any due Subscription Fees, reserves the right to restrict access to their Account or prevent Clients from making new bookings of the Creator.

(b) Continued non-payment may result in the temporary deactivation of the Creator’s Account until outstanding payments are resolved.

3.5 Reactivating Your Subscription

(a) Clearing Outstanding Balances

(i) To reactivate an Account placed on hold, Creators must clear any outstanding balances by making the required payment through their Account settings.

(ii) Once the outstanding amount is paid and the payment details are verified, the hold on Stripe payouts will be lifted, and full Account functionality will be restored.

3.6 Support and Assistance

(a) If you encounter any issues with your Account, or if you need assistance updating your payment information, please contact our support team via the help section on or by emailing

By understanding and managing your subscription effectively, you can ensure that your experience as a Creator on is smooth and productive. We are here to help you every step of the way, so do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.